Saturday 23 August 2008

How to Identify Dog Symptoms Vomiting

There are several signs that will tell you that your dog is vomiting. The true sign of vomiting is heaving of the belly muscles. This heaving is very noticeable if you happen to be nearby. Another sign is drooling, along with retching or gulping. The drooling occurs before the vomiting, and is considered a sign of nausea.

Your dog may also regurgitate solids and liquids from time to time. The food or liquid comes back up and move out. There is usually little or no effort involved, and you won't see dog's belly heaving.

Your dog may be dropping food or water, or continually trying to swallow. While the signs are easy to distinguish from those of vomiting, the difference between them and regurgitation isn't as easy to detect.

Gagging and hacking are more like a cough rather than a sign of vomiting. The chest may move a bit as the dog hacks up mucus, fluids or foamy material.

It's important for your dog's health that you know the signs of vomiting, regurgitation, dropping food and water,gagging and hacking. Each one of them is an indication that your dog may be having some problem or an infection.

Vomiting is not a disease; rather, it is a symptom of many different diseases. Many cases of vomiting are self-limiting after a few days. Less commonly, vomiting may result from a serious illness, such as cancer. Even when vomiting is caused by mild illnesses, it may lead to death of the animal if treatment is not begun early enough to prevent severe fluid and nutrient losses.

The actual cause of vomiting is rarely easy to pin point. But, there are a few likely suspects; ate a toxic morsel while you were not watching, rancid food, exposure to toxic cleaning agents, pesticides and insecticides, maybe even new flooring chemical residues.

Other overlooked causes include, eating commercial pet food over a long period of time. premature weaning of puppies compromising the immune system of the dog for life.

Once in a while however, every dog has a bout of vomiting or diarrhea. This may happen if a dog has eaten something disagreeable, eaten too much, too fast or exercised too soon after eating, is overly excited or nervous, or their body is reacting to any of a number of other non-serious conditions.

If your dog is not showing other signs of illness, observe your dog and after a period of 12 hours do the following:
• Remove the food and water from the dog to allow irritated intestinal you do not have to worry about dehydration. If the diarrhea resolves, after 24 hours, you may give your dog very small amounts of a bland food, such as drained, cooked hamburger mixed with an equal amount of cooked rice.
• Observe your dog closely. Check if the dog’s behavior and activity are normal. Try to identify the cause of the problem. Could your dog have eaten something (like grass, garbage, or a dead animal) that upset its digestive system? Has your dog been wormed lately? Watch how your dog vomits or eliminates so you can describe it to your vet if symptoms persist. Examine the stool or vomit. Collect samples if you believe you will need to take your dog in. Monitor the dog's weight for possible weight loss.

Call your Vet when you notice the following symptoms:
1. blood in vomit
2. vomiting accompanied by diarrhea
3. vomit looks and smells like stool
4. vomiting is projectile
5. vomiting is sporadic and there is no relationship to meals
6. multiple bouts of vomiting occur over a short period of time
7. ingestion of a poison (like antifreeze or fertilizer) is suspected
8. vomiting persists more than a day or two
9. stomach bloating occurs or your dog tries to vomit but is unable
10. dog appears listless
11. there is weight loss
12. dog showing other signs of illness such as labored breathing or pain

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