Sunday 20 July 2008

How To Diagnose Dog Symptoms Panting

If you notice your dog pacing and panting there could be something wrong. It might be a stress related problem or it could be physical. I would therefore need to try and find out what is happening.
Is the dog eating? Drinking? Going to the bathroom in a normal manner?

Your dog could be stressed over some noise it hears, or it could have been exposed to poison. Is the dog salivating more than normal? Does it have a temp that is higher or lower than normal? A normal temp for a dog is: 100.4 F to 102.2 F.

Panting can be a symptom of lungworm or heartworm, both of which require medical treatment, but more often frequent dog panting is caused by obesity or stress. An obese dog may literally feel crushed by his weight.
There are a lot of things panting could be related to, depending upon the type of symptoms it is displaying.

I t is important that you recognize signs and symptoms of illness or pain of your dog early enough to avoid high Vet expenses. It is more effective to treat the dog’s illness at an early stage than wait until it is too late. You should be able to keep accurate record of the symptoms your dog is exhibiting so as your Vet can correctly diagnose and treat the dog illness effectively.

The following signs and symptoms should be observed while keeping the dog record.
• A newborn puppy will have a temperature of 94-97º F. which will eventually reach the normal adult body temperature of 101.5º F. at the age of 4 weeks old. Excitement can cause the temperature to rise by 2-3º when the dog is actually in normal health. If your dog’s temperature rises beyond 105º F or falls below 96º F you should see your Vet immediately.
• An adult dog will have a respiratory rate of 15-20 breaths per minute (depending on such variables as size and weight) and a heart rate of 80-120 beats per minute.
• Any behavior changes that are not related to a change in the household atmosphere may be an indication of an illness. Signs of behavioral changes may include:
Depression, Anxiety, Fatigue, Sleepiness Trembling Falling/Stumbling
• If your dog shows any of these signs, he/she needs to be kept under close watch for a few hours, or even a few days, until positive signs develop or he/she has returned to normal. Do not try to exercise the dog or put him/her in any situation that may cause stress.
• Dogs that are in pain are likely to indicate that they are suffering by giving you clues as to where the area of discomfort is. For instance, a dog that has abdominal pain will continually glance toward their belly, bite or lick the area, and will not want to leave his/her bed.
• A dog that is in pain may also show signs of aggression.

. Veterinary Secrets Revealed is the definitive manual for allowing owners to treat their pet's health problems at home